Smoking Plants
The high-tech food processing equipment is manufactured by the well-known Foodco, supplier of state-of-the-art production units to the international food processing industry. The Foodco smokehouse includes equipment for drying, smoking, cooking and optional frying and intensive cooling.
Central air conditioning for uniform treatment where fresh air, steam, and smoke are mixed and the temperature is regulated in the plenum chamber before circulation. The prepared air is then blown through specially dimensioned nozzles into the food conditioning room. The central air blending system, together with ingenious air distribution, ensures the highest uniformity of treatment of the products, even when the plants are charged with varying loads.
Smoking Plants
The high-tech food processing equipment is manufactured by the well-known Foodco, supplier of state-of-the-art production units to the international food processing industry. The Foodco smokehouse includes equipment for drying, smoking, cooking and optional frying and intensive cooling.
Central air conditioning for uniform treatment where fresh air, steam, and smoke are mixed and the temperature is regulated in the plenum chamber before circulation. The prepared air is then blown through specially dimensioned nozzles into the food conditioning room. The central air blending system, together with ingenious air distribution, ensures the highest uniformity of treatment of the products, even when the plants are charged with varying loads.
Special advantages for a perfect result every time
Foodco’s outstanding cold-smoking and air-conditioning process’ is based on perfectly controlled air circulation with prepared air for different process requirements. The air circulates according to a unique turbulence principle allowing an even distribution of the air inside the food conditioning room giving a perfect result every time. A centralized air preparation system always produces a fully reproducible air-mixture regardless of the outside temperature.
Saving energy and the environment
A new computer control system, developed with the increased costs of energy in mind, controls the air-conditioning process by the outside temperature and humidity. The system constantly predicts the exact demand of energy to maintain the right condition of the air in the food conditioning room. The result is energy saving of up to 30 % or more!
Highly developed various exhaust cleaning systems and recycling of air not only save valuable energy but contribute to a better inner and outer environment as well.
Individual programming for optimal production
As with no other equipment on the market, the Foodco production control computers can be individually programmed for optimal production according to special local parameters.
A special software programmer allows outstanding product quality control. The system reacts to the slightest changes in the air condition caused by the reactions of the products in the food conditioning room. The optimum combination of temperature and humidity is constantly calculated and automatically corrected.
Optimizing the water extraction
One remarkable advantage is optimizing the water extraction, i.e. no more water is extracted than is yielded by the product to its surface. This means a reliable production sequence with the level of losses in weight determined and exactly controlled throughout the process. The product control system also minimizes process time and optimizes maturing. The balanced humidity also eliminates problems with the unpleasant damp and “greasy” surface present on traditionally processed food.
Lower production costs and higher market value
Turnkey installation, customer support and service, longer working life of the processing unit, dependability in operation as well as consistency in output quality, it all adds up to food production with lower production costs and to products of higher market value!
Intensive cooling
Specifically developed to produce products with long shelf life and a high-yield on your market!
Intensive Cooling Plants expose cooked and hot-smoked food products to an intensive air stream of low temperature, while cold water is atomized to a dense mist and introduced into the airstream. The technology is based on the evaporation method of cooling, using exact values of air humidity and air circulation, controlled by the latest food processing control systems. The result of a rapid cooling process dramatically increases the value and overall quality of the products. Contact us at Foodco if you are looking for increased product quality and market value, eliminating product weight loss, all while operating the cooling process.
Mills, Norway | Öresundschark, Sweden | Orkla ,Sweden | Miratorg, Russia | X5, Russia | Celestino, Spain | Lero, Russia | Slatur Felag, Iceland | Roach Foods, UK | Abdallah Al, Saudi | Karjaportti, Finland | Swedish Meats, Sweden | Nortura, Norway | Purovsk, Russia | Atria, Finland | Marlow Foods, UK | Eldrob, Polen | Tulip, Denmark | Atyraubalyk, Khazakstan | Olsztynskie, Zaklady Polen | Stabburet, Norway |
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Control Systems

Continuous lines

Smoking plants


Loader & Unloader



Hot Air Fryer
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